is 100% scam :

1) terms : "Redemptions and Payout Calculation
The cash earned in your accounts is not actual money. Payouts are based on the income of the site. The more income the site gets, the higher the payout conversion is. The actual amount you make is figured once all income is added and the number of payout requests are counted. Every month, the amount you make per request is different. Recent conversions have been less than 50 cents per $50 request. Payouts take up to 45 days. You can request as many times as you would like in any payout period."

2) no forum

3) no faq

4) no payment proofs

5) members from china need to upgrade to receive payment :

terms : "Members From Asia
Non Upgraded members from China,Thailand and HongKong and (any other Country we deem necessary are allowed).But Are limited to a maximum of 10 referrals and a maximum cashout of $10 cash per 30 days. Upgraded members from China,Thailand and HongKong are allowed unlimited referrals and unlimited cashouts. All members from China,Thailand and HongKong (any other Country we deem necessary are allowed) will undergo strict account revision before any cash payout is made to them.Earn50 reserves The right to make changes to this at any time deemed necesary for the benefit of the site! "