The MLM is a business that works?

The mlm, or multi-level marketing is a way to earn money on internet. But is it a reliable and functioning? Many have raised the issue before embarking on a mlm. That is why we shall see it together.

On the Internet, you can read everywhere that mlm is a scam, but what about in reality?

The MLM is a way to earn money legally in France, but not always obviously.

The principle? Sell products, and create a team of referrals.

Only you will be really struggling to sell enough product to reach 500, or 1000 € per month.

Whenever you sell a product, you touch a very small commission.

To win € 1,000 per month, you should at least sell for 8 € or 9000 products.

By having a sales team of 20 or 30 people that they also have 20 or 30, you can easily reach that amount.

Why do many think that mlm is a scam? Because they fails to earn money.

What you should know is that mlm is a work in the long term.

Initially nothing is gained, but the more you refer the products, and more downlines, the more you earn.

Your team is formed gradually, you sell more products and earn more money.

Do not rely too much on what is being said on the subject, and judge for yourself by trying one, see more mlm.


  1. WebMOneyMaker  

    September 9, 2009 at 10:21 PM

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  2. WebMOneyMaker  

    September 9, 2009 at 10:24 PM

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  3. WebMOneyMaker  

    September 9, 2009 at 10:25 PM

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  4. WebMOneyMaker  

    September 9, 2009 at 10:26 PM

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